Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One step at a time!

  I don't know about the rest of you, but I get overwhelmed sometimes, reading about or even witnessing the lives of other homemakers. If I'm being honest, I feel that way most of the time. Then I realized... do people feel this way about me? If you saw my life solely through the statuses I post on Facebook or comments on blogs, would you throw your hands in the air and say, "I give up! There's too many things I should be doing, and I don't know where to start, and I'm exhausted already, and just give me a chocolate bar already??"

  I hope not. I post my triumphs, not to rub them in the face of someone who had a failure today, but because I am genuinely excited that I finally accomplished "it!" Let's be honest... I'm usually excited that I accomplished "it" (even if it is just the week old pile of laundry) because I've failed at "it" so many times before. We're all in the same boat, with multiple items on our "to do" lists that go days or weeks or months without being crossed off. No matter where we are in our journey towards eating real food, keeping an orderly home, or just surviving life in a post-modern world, we are all taking baby steps. And if there was one reason I could say that I write, it's in the hope that I can show you that despite all my failings, I manage, and perhaps inspire to try something hard or new or scary in your own life. One step at a time is the battle cry, my friends.

  On that note, I thought it might be useful to share an honest look at a day or two in the life of a very pregnant real foodie (with a full time, outside the home job, no less). It's nothing earth shattering or Nobel Prize worthy, but I feel I've finally reached the point in this pregnancy where I have some sort of workable balance. I'm still not baking a loaf of homemade soaked bread every day, but I am eating and working and cleaning and smiling and barely ever throwing up. And it is oh so very good.

I'll start the updates tomorrow... see you then!

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